CSF Morbihan
La Confédération Syndicale des Familles

The Confédération Syndicale des Familles (Trade Union Confederation of Families – CSF) is a family consumer and tenant defence organisation which represents 35,000 members in 70 Departmental Unions and 500 local branches.
The CSF’s origins can be traced back to the need to defend family rights outside of the workplace in the 1930s. The movement was spontaneous and had no real structure, with working-class families organising themselves and joining forces to improve their living conditions. The situation during and after the war strengthened the movement and Workers’ Family Associations (AFOs) came into being. Gradually, AFOs’ work became more diverse and focused on all issues pertaining to families’ consumption and purchasing power, but also accommodation and education. In January 1959, AFOs became the CSF.
Since then, the CSF has set itself the following objectives:
- to be a place where families are listened to and heard, where they come together to give each other information, help each other, and act together,
- to take action so that families have suitable living conditions and environments,
- to give families the means to play active roles in their own lives and carry out their educational, social, and economic responsibilities.
The CSF helps families to be fully active in three areas: claims, representation and results. For over 60 years, the CSF has evolved along with society, but its values have remained the same.
Within the SOLENN project, the CSF brings consumers’ viewpoints to the discussion to help guide the solutions that are developed. As a result, the CSF is involved in several project activities:
- external communication,
- supporting consumers,
- setting out the nature and format of information desired by consumers,
- setting out and monitoring the trial plan,
- consumer behaviour studies,
- cost-benefit analyses for households,
- overall assessment and making project recommendations.