It is in the global context of fossil fuel depletion and climate disruption, and the regional context of Brittany’s unstable electrical grid, that the Region of Brittany has set out its energy policy since 2004: to contribute to the global challenges of the fight against climate change, taking into account Brittany’s specific issue of securing its energy supply.
In today’s world, it is undeniable that at all levels, we still need to build an energy economy. For Brittany, the challenge is also what makes it so appealing. Consequently, in addition to the regional strategy for economic development (SRDEII), Brittany will capitalise on the energy transition which has been under way in the region since 2010 (marine energy, methanation, smart grids and thermal renovation of buildings, and decarbonised transport).
More specifically, in terms of developing smart energy grids, particularly electrical grids, the regional strategy has a double aim:
- achieving results by 2020 in response to the risk of electrical system black-out during winter peaks in consumption, by promoting the development of a major smart grid model and related business models in Brittany as soon as possible (rapid diffusion of services and products by public and private stakeholders),
- developing a strong Breton sector which can position itself on local and international emerging markets (developing Breton technology and engineering).
A Breton road map for smart grid development, specifying quantitative objectives and deadlines and describing partnership-based coordination, was drafted with the Breton sector and launched in the first quarter of 2014.
As part of the SOLENN project, the Region of Brittany will bring its overall vision of the region’s energy strategy and its knowledge of the various regional EDM and smart grid trials currently in progress, and will guarantee that the SOLENN project will be in keeping with both elements.
The Regional Council’s support for the various sections of the SOLENN project will take the form of its technical involvement at all stages of the overall project management, as well as participation in:
- managing and communication,
- involving consumers,
- designing and developing tools to help with regional electricity demand management,
- setting out principles of power modulation,
- overall assessment.